E-learning means learning online through content or video lesson. It is the modern education system of electronics technology is called electronic learning or e-learning. The development of technology around the world has touched the education system.
With the touch of technology, the world is changing every day. It has broken many traditional rules. Just like school means what we understand? Row by row classrooms, blackboards or a room full of the student. Through e-learning, now students can take their lessons from anywhere.In addition to receiving education, teaching has become a relatively easy task now. There are thousands of learning videos, courses, and tutorials on YouTub alone. Khan Academy, Udemy, Coursera are some of world-famous e-learning platforms. In Bangladesh, BDclass is popular e-learning website.
There are many advantages of e-learning. We can learn anything from our home with the help of internet, mobile and computer. One of the major benefits of e-learning courses is that it keeps pace with the ages. One of the most interesting things about e-learning is that I don't have to be in the classroom to attend classes. The importance of this is increasing day by day. We should also take the benefits of e-learning seriously.
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