Connectors special
Rule-1 : As a result/ for this/ for this reason/ that is why/ this is why/ thus/ as a consequence/ consequently/ therefore/ so/ hence কারণে/ফলে/এভাবে/তাই.: Clause/ Sentence দ্বারা কোনো কিছুর কারণ বোঝালে সেই কারণে সংঘটিত প্রভাবের আগে উপরোক্ত Linkers-গুলো ব্যবহূত হয়। যেমন: a. Bangladesh is a small country. So, she cannot house her large population. b. Many dishonest businessmen hoard the daily commodities. As a result, the prices of them lie at an imbalanced rate. c. Jubaer walked slowly. For this/ For this reason/ That is why/ Thus/ Therefore/ he failed to reach the station in time. d. Despite my warning he violated my instruction. As a consequence/ Consequently/ Hence/ Therefore/ For this/ For this reason/ That is why/ Thus/ As a result/ So, he had to suffer much. Rule-2 : In short/ in brief/ in a few words/ in a word/ in a nutshell/ in fine/ in conclusion/ to sum up/ to summarize/ on the whole সংক্ষেপে/ এককথায় বলতে গেলে.: পূর্বে আলোচিত কোনো বক্তব্যের ইতি টানতে...